Increasing affordability of and access to Good Food!
Eligibility Criteria
Type of Business
Legally incorporated/registered for-profit entities
Business Operations
At least 18 -24 months of operations in any of the focus countries
Annual Turnover between USD 30,000 and USD 500,000 (Refer to the Term sheet for country-specific requirements)
Audited Financial Statements
Audited financial statements for at least two past years
Businesses with 5-200 full-time employees
Stage of Innovation
The proposed innovation must be market-tested and scalable with an existing customer base
Be able to show the commitment of at least 20% matching-funding
Request funding amount within the stipulated range of USD 50,000 – USD 200,000 (Refer to the Term Sheet for country-specific funding availability)
Be compliant with fundamentals in - country and international human rights, labour standards, environmental management laws
Must have requisite licenses relevant to their operations from authorisation institutions within their country of registration and operation
Must be legally registered with the Revenue Authority in the country of operation, and physical established in the country of doing business
Must NOT be involved in any act of terrorism or support terrorists’ activities, child labour or any other human rights violations, and must allow regular due diligence on these
For more information, please review the Term Sheet given below: