Increasing affordability of and access to Good Food
Cohort 2
After an intensive selection and due diligence process, these enterprises were selected as winners of Cohort 2. These enterprises will benefit from result-based-financing and business development support to help grow and scale their businesses and products targeted towards improving the accessibility and affordability of nutritious food.
Country of implementation
Targets to serve 13 schools and 4 health centres
Alignment to SDGs
Zero Hunger, Good health and well-being, Decent work and economic growth
Country of implementation
Country of implementation
Country of implementation
Project summary
Focusing on fortified whole grain, the SME intends to integrate small-scale farmers and cooperatives in the value chain by creating regional collection centers and establishing nutrition education classes.
Use of funds
Purchase and installation of relevant plant machinery to increase production capacity, development of collection centres.
Country of implementation
Project summary
The SME aims to increase its fortified wholegrain maize production from the current 1,500 MT to 4,000 MT, and to increase its marketing and sales across Rwanda as well as the region (DRC and Uganda)
Use of funds
Purchasing of processing equipment, improving its factory and facilities, and sales and marketing efforts
Targets to serve over 500 schools (reaching over 10K students) and at least 12 hospitals
Alignment to SDGs
Zero Hunger, Good health and well-being, Decent work and economic growth
Targets over 80 schools served with fortified wholegrain, enrolling 129 farmer cooperatives
Alignment to SDGs
Zero Hunger, Good health and well-being, Decent work and economic growth
Country of implementation
Country of implementation
Project summary
The SME intends to scale and supply fortified wholegrain as well as fortified porridge across Rwanda
Use of funds
Fully automated milling and fortification line, improve its warehouse and processing facilities, including a laboratory
Project summary
The SME intends to supply fortified wholegrain, including enriched corn flour and fortified porridge flour. With GFIF support, it intends to increase distribution in the market and targets to reach schools, prisons, hospitals and nutritional care centers.
Use of funds
Product development, packaging, and marketing and distribution.
Project summary
The SME aims to produce and supply porridge flour made with blend of bean, cereals (Wheat, sorghum, and soybeans) to deliver a low-priced, nutritious composite flour. It will be distributed through schools, hospitals, and prisons.
Use of funds
Installation of an automated instant porridge line, enhance its distribution channels and hire key staff members.
Project summary
The SME intends to scale and supply high iron beans to schools across Rwanda
Use of funds
Automated packaging line and relevant machinery, and marketing and distribution.
Targets to supply to 188 NGOs and 400 schools across Rwanda
Alignment to SDGs
Zero Hunger, Good health and well-being, Decent work and economic growth
Project summary
The SME intends to add fortification of maize flour to its existing production, and to increase production
Use of funds
Purchasing of relevant fortification machinery, packaging machine and a truck for distribution
Targets over 20K households, 129 health facilities and medical centres.
Alignment to SDGs
Zero Hunger, Good health and well-being, Decent work and economic growth
Intends to work with over 800 farmers and targets over 1.8M students
Alignment to SDGs
Zero Hunger, Good health and well-being, Decent work and economic growth
Targets to supply to 150 schools (serving approximately 1.4M students), and to work with over 25 farmer cooperatives, 5 prisons and 10 refugee ca
Alignment to SDGs
Zero Hunger, Good health and well-being, Decent work and economic growth